
We are pleased to invite you to our Winter Workshop Series.
11/9/24, 10 am-3 pm - Herb Spiral Garden Building Workshop - Hands-on build workshop for an Herb Spiral garden installation at Roanoke Boutique Hotel in historic SW Roanoke! Create micro-climates and abundance by utilizing an Herb Spiral Design!

Roanoke Boutique Hotel - 539 Day Ave SW

12/21/24, 10 am-1 pm - Incorporating Native Plants Into The Garden - A deep dive into the herbaceous layers of our local ecosystems! Explore how human & plant relationships influence our environment and ecology with local ecologist Sharon Burnham!

Star City Compost Facility - 2051 Blue Hills Dr NE

1/18/24, 10 am-3 pm - Basics Of Permaculture Design - A beginner-friendly approach to mapping and designing your garden space! We will teach you how to plan within your new or existing garden space, utilizing the permaculture to build healthy soil!

Lick Run CDC - 1626 10th St NW


In partnership with Star City Compost and Lick Run CDC, we offer educational experiences in composting for youth and adults. The compost facility is open for field trips for adults and youth. We can also come to your classroom with our Compost Education Trailer as presenters on composting, zero-waste, plastic pollution, and hands-on solutions to climate change.

Our team has decades of experience in classroom and outdoor ecological education and has a passion for teaching about sustainability. A sliding-scale contribution for a presentation or field trip ensures educators are paid a living wage, that our programs are always accessible, and that we can continue to invest in community-owned agriculture.

Our Compost Education Trailer is a mobile static aerated compost system. The trailer is available for 2-3 month-long visits to schools and universities. 

The trailer experience teaches: